Our Union is strengthened when we vote for candidates who respect working people and uphold our values.  The November 6 election will determine whether we have a Senator who fights for working people or backs corporate billionaires who have attacked unions.

After careful consideration, the Council has endorsed Senator Bob Menendez because of his record in Washington in support of public higher education, the preservation of Social Security and Medicare, an affordable universal system of health care and the reduction of obscene prescription drug prices chared by big pharma.

Menendez, despite his flaws, is a proven ally of labor and public education.  He fought against the Republican tax law that will cost New Jersey taxpayers thousands of dollars due to the new cap on property tax deductions and showers the wealthiest individuals and corporations with tax breaks.  He has supported raising the minimum wage and other measures to lift working people out of poverty.  He believes in equal pay for equal work and opposes discrimination on the job.

On education issues, he opposes the privatization of public schools, supports increased education funding and an expansion of Pell Grants.  When the Supreme Court issued its Janus decision, aimed at weakening all public sector unions, Menendez swiftly condemned it and reiterated his support for the rights of public employees to organize and bargain collectively.

Unlike his Republican opponent, a Trump supporting pharmaceutical industry executive, Menendez will put the needs of working families ahead of the corporate elite.  If the Senate is to move in a progressive direction, this can only be accomplished by reelecting Bob Menendez.  Consider the alternative.

In sum, the Council joins the entire labor movement in New Jersey, including all higher education unions, in encouraging you to vote for Bob Menendez for Senate on Nov. 6.

In Solidarity,

Tim Haresign, Council President
Susanna Tardi, Council Legislative Representative